By Marilyn Craig
TAHLEQUAH, OK. — UKB Elder Committee held their first meeting of the year on Monday, January 13, 2025, at noon at the Jim Proctor Elder Nutrition Center. Elders began gathering and eating lunch at 11:30 am and were served a great hot meal for a cold day—bacon, Lettuce and Tomato sandwiches and potato soup. After lunch, the group moved into the activity room.
Elder Committee Chair Lois Fuller opened the meeting. Other elder committee officers in attendance included Sammy Still, Vice Chair; Barbara Girty-Foster, Secretary; and Mary Girty, Treasurer. There were a couple dozen elders in attendance.
The UKB Elder Committee was established in 2007 at the request of late Chief George Wickliffe for the purpose of informing and advising the Chief and Council about elder issues and concerns. Former Chief John Hair was named Committee Chair, along with Dora Grayson, Barbara Girty-Foster, and Lois Fuller, making up the original committee. Committee members received small stipends to help with gas for elders to make it to the monthly meetings.
The Tribe also paid for elders to go on field trips representing the UKB at various events, but after the casino closed in 2013, the stipends ended, so many elders were not able to attend. However, the committee has continued to meet voluntarily (except during the pandemic) and agreed to host fundraisers like selling tee shirts and raffles at Celebration to provide handmade condolence cards with a small monetary gift to the family.

Another program they are raising funding for is the opportunity for the committee and elder volunteers to attend the National Indian Council on Aging conference, held this year in Durant, Oklahoma.
The National Indian Council on Aging was founded in 1976 by members of the National Tribal Chairmen’s Association, who called for a national organization that focused on aging American Indians and Alaskan Natives. The mission of NICOA is to advocate for improved comprehensive health, social services, and economic well-being for American Indian and Alaska Native elders.
Chief Jeff Wacoche and Assistant Chief Amos Ketcher were in attendance and passed out information on the recent funding allocation to the tribe from Indian Health Services, which has launched the Purchased and Referred Care (PRC) Program. For more information, please contact the tribe and ask for the PRC office.
The elders talked about options for fundraisers, including a Valentine Drawing, Indian Taco Sale, and other fundraising activities. In the coming weeks, look for announcements on UKB’s Facebook page and website about upcoming elder fundraising and events.
The next quarterly meeting of the Elder Committee is scheduled for the third Monday in April, or April 21st, and will be held at the Jim Proctor Elder Nutrition Center from noon to 1 p.m.
For more information, call Barbara Girty Foster at 918-871-2794.
Photo One: Tribal elders discuss possible fundraisers and activities for the coming months.
Photo Two: Elder Committee Chair Lois Fuller and Vice Chair Sammy Still check dates for the next meeting. (Courtesy Photos)